Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sharing of Singaporean Culture - Food

In Singapore, there are 3 main races, namely Chinese, Malay and Indian.
Therefore, as Singaporeans, we have many food choices.
Chinese Food - Chicken Rice
I will introduce one of my favourite food from each racial group :D

1) Chinese Food - Chicken Rice
- The chicken is boiled in water, and seasoned with light soy sauce when served.
- The rice is cooked with pandan leaves and coconut milk.
- It is served with ginger sauce, chilli sauce and dark soy sauce, to go with the plain water boiled chicken.

2) Malay food - Mee Rebus
Malay Food - Mee Rebus

- Yellow egg noodles is boiled in water and served in spicy-sweet gravy.
- The dish is garnished with lime, beansprouts, dried beancurd, spring onions and chilli.
- Mee Rebus literally means boiled noodles in English.

Indian Food - Roti Pra
3) Indian food - Roti Prata

- Roti prata is made of flour and cooked over flat grill.
- It is crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside, as the dough is span and flipped before it is grilled.
- Roti means bread and prata means flat, so Roti Prata literally means flat bread in English.
- In the past there are only 2 flavours, original and egg, but now it comes in many flavors, such as original, egg, mushroom and cheese.
- It is served with curry, which includes many flavours as well, such as fish, chicken, beef or mutton.
Chilli Padi

The common point between Korean and Singaporean food is that, they are normally spicy.
Korean food is always dressed in spicy sauce and Singaporean food always come with chilli sauce.
Personally, I find Korean spicy sauce rather hot, as compared to the typical chilli sauce in Singapore, however, in Singapore, we do like to use chilli padi which can be very spicy as well.

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